Could Engineering Automation Fetch More Light On Robotics?

Few weeks before, Honda’s most advanced Humanoid robot ASIMO makes a premiere appearance in Serbia at “Days Of Future” robotics festival. ASIMO is an intelligent humanoid robot with the size of 4 feet and 3 inches height and 106 pounds weight. ASIMO has build with intelligent technologies and advanced features where it can act autonomously and perform services.

He will walk, run, climb, can recognize moving objects, distinguish sound and more. ASIMO has designed to operate with real world fundamentals and its one among the top3 humanoid robots on our planet. Past 3 decades, Honda holds deep journey at this arena and creating great waves at young people towards the study and need of science and mathematics.

Well. Have you ever thought, how Robotics and Automation could be differentiated? Though both domains hold more identical technical stuffs and common parameters, what it really makes the difference? At engineering ground, both these terminologies are quite common and to draw the non identical line between these are too technical and surely Wiki could provide you more light on it. Let me try at simple. Past few decades, Robotics and automation industry growth is very rapid and astonishing. The radical engineering concepts helps product makers a lot and it’s exceedingly beyond our expectation.

Robotics is a branch or brain child of Automation. Technically, Automation industry is really very large, wider and its usage at real world examples are infinite. In simple model, Automation could be your Bank ATM, Coffee vending machine, Car Fuel Indicator, Room thermostat, Adaptive headlights, Climatic controllers, Proximity sensors, Auto door openers and many others. Every domain holds hundreds of applications which use the technology of automation and the result is simply fabulous.

The initial evolution of automation industry was more mechanical oriented and when it join hands with electronics and technology, it become more larger like Sun. At engineering, the presence of Computerized Numerical Control machines (CNC), Programmable logic controllers (PLC), Semiconductors, Processors, memory devices and other electronic techniques dispense tremendous revolution at product manufacturing industries.

Today’s Car plants, packaged food industry, bottling units, Knitting machines, Offset printing, Signal systems, Power management industries and many other fields widely uses Automation and are inevitable. Commonly, automation is anything that involves mechanizing something.

So, Where Robotics stands? Robotics is a branch of automation. Considering robotics, we can expect something more called Feedback. Which means, A robot can simulate like a human depending on the circumstances with different behavior. At current stage, there are various types of robots in use and enhancing the engineering industry. Like, Industrial robots and Autonomous robots are widely used at most Car making plants, engineering tools and device making industries, Medical industry, IT hardware plants, Space research, Military and more. These robots role related to accuracy, timing, flawless production management are amazing and are very critical when consider today’s manufacturing process.

Humanoid robots were created to simulate humans where they can adapt to the environment and can continue the research at various circumstances. Most humanoid robots holds logical vision, proximity sensors and other sensory devices to accomplish the tasks. These robots try to reproduce humans physical and mental architecture and behaviors.

World’s top notch scientist community from engineering and cognitive field are working very harder to create a robots like humans as closer as possible. Creating robots with Intelligence, Response, Understand, Autonomous and Identify Reason are key components for the next-gen robots and we are on track.

Ok. It’s your turn now. What do you think about next gen robotics on industrial development? Just share your views.

(Photo courtesy: Honda Motors )


6 Responses to Could Engineering Automation Fetch More Light On Robotics?

  1. Carolyn says:

    Hi Manickam, What a great, clear explanation of the difference between robotics and automation. I hadn’t ever considered the differences, even though I think both are very cool. Anything that makes my life easier is fantastic, as far as I’m concerned. Mostly I use automation at home, but we do have a Roomba vacuum that is robotic.

    I will be thinking about this for a long while.
    Carolyn recently posted..Kindle Fire HD – A Lot of Tablet for the PriceMy Profile

    • Hi Carolyn,
      Happy to see here and welcome back to MediaCrayon :)

      Sure. I am trying to simulate Harleena’s below comment about home based robots. Indeed, I miss out to point about Roomba. Thanks for remembering me about the tool. :) Roomba is cool and one of the first home based robot.

      Happy to know you already own a Roomba cleaner at home and make use of its services. That’s nice.
      I like Roomba’s power backup concept, since it search for power socket a the floor, and dock automatically when power backup goes down. That was a nice feature.

      Thanks for your visit and valuable comment.
      Manickam Vijayabanu recently posted..Could Engineering Automation Fetch More Light On Robotics?My Profile

  2. Hi Mani – Something new again from you. It is interesting how real these robots look and behave. Also one can really think all those sci-fi movies we saw as kids might actually become true one day with such advancements :-)
    Praveen Rajarao recently posted..Using Google’s Link Disavow ToolMy Profile

  3. I agree with Praveen here Mani!

    I think it’s nice to see these robots working the way they do, and the way you described them too. I just hope and pray that they come out with something that would be useful for Moms too. :)

    While I know it’s more related to technology and industry etc…I wish there was a robot made who would do all the things a Mom has to do for her kids…things like cooking or cleaning, or getting the grocery and stuff like that. It would surely make our lives easier. :)

    Thanks for sharing. :)
    Harleena Singh recently posted..Are Married People Really Happier Than SinglesMy Profile

  4. Harleena,
    I am glad you like the subject.

    I truly agree on you. When inventions come closer to help individuals at home level, the success become very large and also more helpful. There is two benefits as well like, Product makers also can expect great business opportunity. I believe the day is not too far to get these technical inventions since
    science is pretty closer. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Manickam Vijayabanu recently posted..Could Engineering Automation Fetch More Light On Robotics?My Profile

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